The Flower Moon – 23 May 2024 ๐ŸŒ•

Yesterday was the Flower Moon, May’s full moon.

It’s been a really strange month for me since I wrote my last full moon post. During The Pink Moon I felt a bit deflated, I’d just been rejected from a job I’d worked really hard to try and secure.

And I’ve had my fair share of further rejection in the month that passed too! But this is to be expected. I’m 30 years old and currently undergoing a huge career change. Since I was 20, I have worked in one field (finance) and now I’m trying to move into a completely different field (food writing). It will be a journey of applications to gain experience and rejection because I don’t have enough experience.

Although I knew it would be like this, last month it hit me worse. I think I thought I’d magically turn 30 and my new life would be ready for me! โœจ

But that’s not how life works and it’s not how magic works either… You can’t just wave a wand once and get what you desire. Fairytales have taught us since we were children that anything granted easily comes with sacrifice and complications.

If it were as easy as snapping your figures, crying to make a fairy godmother appear, rubbing a lamp… it wouldn’t be worth it.

All this to say, The Flower Moon was the perfect time for me to harness the full moon’s power to set some really strong intentions and figure out what I will do magically and practically to get there.

It also seemed a good time to give my home a cleanse. I have been a bit bogged down by external negativity recently and I was bringing it back with me into my home, which should be my safe space.

I knew I needed to do some rituals to banish external negativity from my home and own my space again, so my flat could be the tranquil hub I needed it to be over the summer, while I job-hunted and worked hard to make steps towards my new career.

And (as if by magic) May’s Witch Casket was themed around boundary protection in the home.

There’s a bit of a debate amongst witches about how necessary it is to own a lot of trinkets and bits and pieces in order to do your magic. I am generally in the camp that you can be a witch with minimal purchases of magical goods. I grow my own rosemary and lavender for burning to cleanse my space, for instance. And I don’t own a wand or a cauldron or decorate a large alter in my house, which are all very valid things to have and do when practicing witchcraft, I just don’t have/do them myself. There certainly is a market for capitalising on witch aesthetic and businesses who will sell new witches especially things they don’t actually need for their craft. (Some places push unethically sourced crystals too, so checking where crystals came from is important when you’re starting out.)

But Witch Casket is NOT one of these preditory businesses. A mother and daughter team (we love hereditary witchcraft!), they create more than just a box of trinkets each month.

For instance, each themed box contains spells and the ingredients for them in dried form, which can be very handy.

May’s Casket came with a door wash ritual kit containing dried red clover and dried hyssop, which are not ingredients I grow myself and they’re not the easiest to find online either.

I heated the ingredients in their bag in a pan, stirring counterclockwise and putting intentions of goodwill and peace into the stirring actions. I cleaned the rest of my flat from top the bottom as the bag was seeping, and the spices and herbs filled my home with a wonderful calming scent as I cleaned away the anxieties and clutter (mentally and physically!) that I’d accumulated over the last month.

One big task was cleaning my desk in our home office. As I step away from accountancy and towards food writing, I felt like my desk harboured a lot of negativity from my hours hunched over spreadsheets, fighting back deadlines and hostile client requests. So I cleaned it, tidied it, and made a small temporary alter on my computer stand, with some food magazines I’ve been applying for work experience at underneath, as a reminder of where I want to be every time I sit at my desk!

There’s still some office tidying to do, but you should have seen how cluttered it was before… And more importantly, it felt like a more peaceful place after the tidy and a cleanse with some incense.

I used the boundary protection potion to wipe down my front door, doorstep and all of the window sills in my flat in a negativity banishing ritual, being mindful of all of the good things I want to welcome into my space.

I’ve had some dried dill for protection above my doorframe for a while, yesterday I added the really sweet bells from May’s Witch Casket to my door too. They will ring whenever someone opens the front door now, and it is a longheld belief amongst witches that those who cross a threshold where bells ring cannot bring their negative energy into the space. The ringing will dispel unwanted energy every time I pass in and out of my flat.

This is a great example of the thoughtful and useful things that come in a Witch Casket subscription box!

As my kitchen and my stove are my most peaceful space as a kitchen witch, I mindfully made dinner using the last ingredients we had in the house. Braised potatoes with peas and other seasonal veg (recipe here!), using the last of the mustard and labneh too. I cooked my best intentions for the month ahead into the stew and it was delicious!

Potatoes always feel appropriate at full moon too, as the potato is an old symbol of the moon!

I sat in the full moon light for a while with my usual temporary outdoor alter. I wrote down my intentions for the month in ink, so I will hold myself to them as I say outside. I felt calm and tranquil and powerful as I sat alone in my garden.

I left some of my favourite stones and belongings in my windowsill overnight to absorb the moon’s light as I normally do, had a nice hot shower, then spent a lovely evening relaxing in bed with my new book.

Final note on Witch Casket: there were lots of other great items in the May box including boundary stones, the rose petal candle shown in my photos above for burning to ensure only positive energy can cross into a space, some threshold salt for boundaries, a really cute pin badge and a lot more.

Everything they provide each month is high quality and it is such good value for money. This is not a sponsor but if you are a practicing witch, or maybe you’re just starting out in witchcraft and would like a safe way to explore your entry to witch craft, I couldn’t recommend them enough!

And how am I feeling now, the day after the moon reached it’s full potential? Well this morning I woke up feeling refreshed at 7.30am (no alarm as I don’t have to be anywhere this Friday morning!)

I had a coffee and then sat by my freshly cleansed desk for a phonecall about a prospective internship! I am feeling much more positive and powerful after a few months of anxiety and doubt.

Many Flower Moon blessings to anyone reading this. And may your next month be full of good intentions.


If by some miracle someone is reading this, please know that I am relatively new to practising Witchcraft. I have felt the call for many years but only started truly learning about the Craft properly about 6 years ago.

Some rituals I perform are taken from books and spell kits, some are just my own. I love being a witch because there is space for flexibility. I hope you will be kind and join me on my journey!

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